They LOVE me (so far)! Advance reviews for “The Skeptical Vegan” are coming in …



As a first time author I have NO idea how my words will be received by vegan, and the veg-curious, readers from around the world. So far? So good. The initial reviews on GoodReads are all favorable and the few reviews so far on Amazon … are also great (and the book has gone from #1 New Release in Vegan Diets to Cooking Humor since its release)! I am so grateful!

Of course, I want to sell books but, more importantly, I want to spread the word about going vegan (especially to those people who are looking toward their “golden years”). It’s never too late to go vegan and The Skeptical Vegan proves this in every chapter.

Something else I wasn’t prepare for was seeing my book on the shelves at retail locations (including and AMAZING full window display at our local bookstore, Buffalo Street Books). To think that this is the book based on the blog based on the bet is now a gorgeous hardcover book sharing shelf space with the hundreds of vegans I have admired for years. It’s all so surreal.

And I thank you all.

From here, I am working in preparations to attend the Animal Rights National Conference in Washington DC (August 3-6, 2017) and then back home to get back to writing my next book, Mind Your Peas and Cukes: A Guide to Raising Vegan Kids. You know, all in my spare time.

Here are some recent articles and links worth checking out (also, be sure to follow The Skeptical Vegan on Facebook to keep tab on speaking and signing events):

Please share. Comment. Buy the book. Leave a review. And, most of all …


The Wait is Over! “The Skeptical Vegan” has arrived! #GoVegan



Just over a year from finishing (draft 1 of) the manuscript for my first book, The Skeptical Vegan, it is finally here … arriving in mailboxes this week! Shipping right now (according to an email I got this morning) from online retailers (and likely to appear in your local bookstore this coming week)!

I have so many people to thank for this (most of whom are listed in the back of the book) and want to thank Skyhorse Publishing for their incredible support and willingness to publish my story: part memoir/part vegan survival guide. 100% cruelty-free!

I really want to thank the many (how many … I have no idea) people who preordered the book and helped it pop to the top of the #1 New Release in the Vegan Diet category on Amazon! THAT was an on-again-off-again thrill!

Also, get it for your Kindle or Nook and read it on your digital device! The price right now for both the Nook version and a hardcover on Barnes & Noble is not to be missed!

If you purchased it and are expecting to receive it this week, please let me know! Post your photos on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (use hashtag #theskepticalvegan) so I can find you and thank you again! Also, there are a number of book signings and appearances happening starting in August! Check out the event link on for more information! Hope to see you there!

I am truly grateful.





Main Street Vegan by Victoria Moran


Main Street Vegan - Victoria Moran

When I went vegan a year and a half ago, I needed this book. Back then, my personal guidebook for making this radical change from 100% omnivore to 100% vegan was the “30-Day Vegan Challenge” by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. An excellent book if you’re willing to commit to a vegan diet, kick the vegan tires, and follow your progress over a month. Colleen’s book offers excellent support and a plethora of amazing vegan recipes. Victoria Moran’s “Main Street Vegan” takes this concept one, if not many, steps further.

Outlining what every person is asked and experiences once they have made the decision to go vegan, Moran goes so far as to allow the aspiring vegan to go into it at their own pace, letting them know they shouldn’t beat themselves up if they slip. Her writing style is readable, entertaining, and understandable as she takes you through every rung along the vegan ladder. Each chapter begins with an inspiring quote and ends with a recipe that all seem to fit right into the timeline of going vegan.

Reading this book 18 months after I became vegan actually proved to be more interesting than if I read it when I was just starting out. Having lived through so much of what she elaborates on, it’s fascinating to reflect back on those “early days” and smirk. I was the Reluctant Vegan for over a year, not wanting to commit or admit I was becoming vegan, this book addresses this and helps the reader understand more than just the diet aspect of veganism, it walks you through all the rest.

As The Chicago Tribune puts it, this “Vegan Cookbook Acts as Primer for the Newbie.” And the Miami New Times wrote, “Moran’s message started to seep in from that first chapter: to bring people over from the omnivorous world, they’ve got to be able to go at their own pace. Even knowing that eating a vegan diet will do an immense amount to save the planet’s precious resources and thwart the perpetration of heinous crimes against animals is often not enough to keep even the bleeding-est hearts on the vegan side of the field.”

Available through the Main Street Vegan website or at Amazon, “Main Street Vegan” is the one book any vegetarian or omnivore needs to feel confident enough to take that next step. If you’re already a vegan and living with loved ones who might need that extra push, this book would make an excellent gift for the upcoming holidays. I know of a few vegetarians who are going to unwrap this book this upcoming holiday season.

Mind if I Order the Cheeseburger?


Mind if I Order the Cheeseburger?

My first vegan book review is actually a new release written by a friend of mine. With an authoritative, distinct and clear voice, Sherry Colb answers many questions posed to vegans over the years in “Mind if I Order the Cheeseburger?” Taking questions often-asked to vegans and answering in depth through analogies and supportive argument that would, with good reason, stand up in court.

Sherry is a Professor of Law at Cornell University Law School and one of the many vegans I get to see on a regular basis at Friday Dinner.

“Mind if I Order the Cheeseburger?” is the perfect volume for the vegetarian considering taking that next step as well as the omnivore who may not fully understand the vegan lifestyle. While some chapters read as a deposition, Colb makes her point to the reader and leaves no argument to the completeness of her answers. The book poses an even bigger question: is there a question about being vegan Sherry can’t answer?

The 200-page softcover is worth every penny of the $20 cover price (just $13.50 pre-ordered). Buy for yourself, a vegetarian friend, or as a gift for those people who have asked you if you mind if they order the cheeseburger. Published by Lantern Books and available at